beginning in March 2024, the three teams initiated the organization of "The Exceptional HER" series of women's leadership events with the aim of continuing to spotlight women's achievements in the financial industry, exploring paths for women's career development...
I have a friend who gives her years titles in order to direct her work for the year, and I invited the Universe to send me a similar direction. Pretty quickly, it sent back the word “Deepen”. Okay, I thought, quite please, envisioning diving even more deeply into spiritual work and ...
“My mission is to help women in business share their genius and magic on video and change the world in their unique way.” Take a look at the official website Trishi Cotterell of Saffron Learning has designed, and you’ll immediately get a feel for her vibrant, naturally charming personal...
The first single“Can't Do That To Her”instantly hits with staccato harmonies that create a catchy, joyous sound. The group's vocal harmonies, paired expertly with the tone of Quinones' voice, showcase their signature sweet soul sound. Bounce along as Southern California's premiere "souldies...
Therefore, Sweet railed at Pitman as vainly as Thersites railed at Ajax: his raillery, however it may have eased his soul, gave no popular vogue to Current Shorthand. Pygmalion Higgins is not a portrait of Sweet, to whom the adventure of Eliza Doolittle would have been impossible; still, ...
Steph put some flowers “borrowed” from her neighbour Mrs Robinson’s garden next to her cold breakfast and costly plates, and took a photo. She wanted to brighten the colours on her picture. Choosing a filter (滤镜), she noticed TrueBeauty downloaded before. Her picture looked perfect with...
ANNIKA:I think in order for her to be involved with a man who has done so much to her and her family in the past, she has to truly believe that this man has changed. That he is different. As she has said repeatedly, he has earned her trust and he ...
27 “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” 29 The crowd that stood...
Luka says, "Not such a great bullet point on your curriculum vitae." And the narrator says, "No number of bullet points and biography facts could pin the soul behind her eyes." Unfortunately the term "bullet point" is from 1983, and the advent of wordprocessors. ...
Massie, Allan