As well as a double major in theater and international relations from Northwestern University, which is renowned for its drama program, Her Royal Highness volunteered at a performing arts after-school program for children in underprivileged school districts in Los Angeles.” After Meghan’s successful...
Queen Elizabeth II's family members are no strangers to scandal and controversy on a royal scale – something Princess Michael of Kent knows ...
Princess Beatriceand her husband of almost a year,Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, announced that they are expecting their first child. The royal couple revealed the pregnancy news on Wednesday via a simple statement released by Buckingham Palace that read, “Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoar...
“Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi are very pleased to announce that they are expecting their second child together early in the new year,” thecaptionof their Instagram post read. “His Majesty The King has been informed and both families are delighted with the...
According to The Sun, Markle removed her name, Rachel Meghan, from Archie’s birth certificate, leaving only her official title, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex. Sign up to our Celebrity newsletter! Get updates on the latest posts and more from Monste...
"The Prince and Princess are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the UK, across the Commonwealth and around the world in response to Her Royal Highness' message," a palace spokesperson said in a statement Saturday. "They are extremely moved by the public's warmth...
"The Prince and Princess are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the UK, across the Commonwealth and around the world in response to Her Royal Highness' message," a palace spokesperson said in a statement Saturday. "They are extremely moved by the pu...
The royal and her husband,Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, formally announced the news of their baby's arrival via a statement on the Buckingham Palace Instagram account on Friday that read, “Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi have named their daughterSienna Eli...
Harry and Meghan are due to welcome their little one in Spring 2019, the Palace announced this morning. "Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy...
In January 2020, her grandson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle left the royal fold to pursue a private life in the US. And over the last few years she has been forced to deal with the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew. Her private life was deeply affected by the Covid-19 crisis...