They looked like stars coming down from the sky. Alex’s eyes were shining with excitement. 过渡1(Alex和父亲对话,父亲告知这是什么萤火虫) “What was that?”Alex asked curiously. “Fireflies.” Dad answered with a big smile. Alex reached out to touch the small “spirits” and they just dan...
Angel EyesAngel-AAngels & DemonsAnger ManagementAngriest Man in Brooklyn, TheAngry BirdsAngry Birds Movie 2, TheAngus, Thongs and Perfect SnoggingAnimal, TheAnimal Project, TheAnitaAnna and the ApocalypseAnna And The KingAnna KareninaAnnabelleAnnapolisAnnieAnnihilationAnniversary Party, TheAnomalisa...
(草地) behind my house. I smiled. The first of the fireflies (萤火虫) had appeared for the summer at just the time I needed to___its light. Soon a few others were blinking their lights as well. It___me how far their light traveled in the darkness of the night and how they didn...
31.Green Eyes 32.I Know Why 33.I'll Never Smile Again 34.I've Got A Gal In Kalamazoo 35.Jim 36.Juke Box Saturday Night 37.Maria Elena 38.Moonlight Becomes You 39.Moonlight Cocktail 40.My Prayer 41.On The Sunny Side Of The Street 42.Serenade In Blue 43.Tangerine 44.Yours 45.Ch...
The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies. 49 谢谢神,我不是一个权力的轮子,而是被压在这轮子下的活人之一。 I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by...
His nudes are soulful, real, with expressive hands and eyes. They feel more like portraits than studies of the human form... almost uncomfortably intimate. Rose blushes, raising the book as some strollers go by. ROSE (trying to be very adult) And these were drawn from life? JACK Yup...
27 Eyes Open (Taylor Swift Cover) Savannah Outen 28 Fairytales Of L.a Savannah Outen 29 Falling Over Me (Demi Lovato Cover) Savannah Outen 30 Falling Slowly - Once Soundtrack - The Swell Season (Cover) Savannah Outen, Chester See 31 Feel Again (Onerepublic Cover) Savannah Outen 32 Firewor...
(门廊) light off because I didn’t want to be___by small insects on this sticky summer evening. I stood there for a while letting my eyes get used to the___of light. It was then, though, that I saw one flash of light at the far end of the grassland was___by another and the...
We were in love And I closed my eyes Now I'm with her Sha-la-la-la I'm with her Sha-la-la-la I was underground I found a whole new world to put my troubles in You lived miles above the earth Until you came down to bring me home again Now I'm with her Sha-la-la-la I...
Sunlight was stretching across the wall behind him, and Henry's eyes were following its growing intensity. His hands unclasped and his mouth opened as he looked out through the barred window. "The sun," said Henry. "It's alive you know. The fire inside it. I've seen the...