Te Whakatōhea, who are located around Ōpōtiki township, in the eastern Bay of Plenty, North Island (Te-Ika-a-Maui), NZ. Therefore, I share the Whakatōhea context in relation to the blue economy. There are multiple (± 6) hapū (sub-tribes) associated with Te Whakatōhea. Whakat...
J. Prognostic factors in restoration of pulmonary flow after submassive pulmonary embolism: a multiple regression analysis. European Respiratory Journal 11, 560–564 (1998). 43. Xu, C. H., Zhang, H., Zhang, L. & Kang, Y. R. Factors influencing photosynthesis of three typical plant species...
pilz 311040 PSS SB SUB-D4 ABB PFEA111IP20/3BSE050090R20 DaytonAJX-16-19-100-P15.27-M2 COAX MK 10 NC 14 10C1 3/4DC 24W 512370 HUMMEL HSK-V ART..280.0013.50 INA WS81124 BRAUN E1615-10375401 TurckMK31-112-LU/24VDCNr.7506204隔离器隔离放大器PuettmannKG hydac 0950 R 010 BN4HC...
Second up and my real favourite here^^ is the Spanish language ‘Sangre De Mis Manos’, which Mrs 1537 tells me translates as‘blood on my hands’^*. It’s freaking fantastic, just a real snarl of adrenalin and, you guessed it, anger; this time on a truly industrial scale. Everything...