Committee members also voted unanimously to leave the current recommendation for influenza vaccination as is. Theannual influenza vaccineopens in a new tab or windowshould continue to be offered to everyone 6 months or older who do not have contraindications. The following updated components of the ...
Focuses on the recommendations made by government vaccine advisers for the universal hepatitis B immunization of children in Great Britain. Details on the development of the Joint Committee on Vaccination...
There is no cure for hepatitis B. But a vaccine now exists and antiviral treatments have improved to the point that the virus can be kept in check, said Dr. Roger Chou, an assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland and director of the Pacific Northwest Evidence-ba...
The lack of robust data resulted in a general recommendation from the WHO not to interchange wP or aP vaccines from different manufacturers during the primary series (World Health Organization, 2015). Show abstract The art of partnerships for vaccines 2019, Vaccine Show abstract Identification of ...