Hepatitis C is one of the most common types of viral hepatitis. Learn more about how you get hep C, the symptoms, how it's diagnosed, and the most common treatments.
In the chronic stage, patients typically go years or decades with no symptoms. This is sometimes referred to as "latent" or "dormant" hepatitis C. Eventually, the chronic hepatitis becomes active with liver inflammation and scarring. Left untreated, this can progress to cirrhosis, liver failure,...
Common symptoms of acute hepatitis C include4: Fatigue Muscle soreness Nausea Fever Decreased appetite Joint pain Dark yellow urine Jaundice (yellowing of eyes and skin) If you experience a prolonged high- or low-grade fever, flu-like symptoms that are at any point unmanageable by supportive mean...
Hepatitis C: All the information you need about Living With Hepatitis C, including the latest news about infection, transmission, symptoms, treatment breakthroughs and medical progress.
However, these symptoms are so common that it is hard to point towards the diagnosis of Hepatitis C. The severity of the symptoms is not directly proportional to the intensity of liver dysfunction, however.Patients in the advanced stage may experience more severe symptoms such as yellow sclera,...
Hepatitis B and C have similar symptoms and are usually spread through contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. In the U.S., most people get infected with hepatitis C by sharing needles and other equipment that they use to inject drugs. ...
The current treatment for chronic hepatitis C patients is Interferon and ribavirin combination therapy, which is associated with numerous neuropsychiatric side effects. The most common are fatigue, depression, cognitive dysfunction, and anxiety. Early identification and treatment of these symptoms may not ...
Acute hepatitis C infection is typically anicteric, and less than 25% of cases are clinically apparent. Symptoms, if present, become apparent 2–26 weeks after HCV Screening Screening and linkage to treatment are fundamental prerequisites of the WHO elimination goals.55 Screening approaches vary by ...
2 Chronic hepatitis C can lead to serious and life-threatening liver problems, including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer.2 Though many people with hepatitis C may not experience symptoms, others may have symptoms such as fatigue, fever, jaundice and abdominal...
Thehepatitis C virus(HCV) is a member of theFlaviviridaefamily. Hepatitis, caused by HCV, is a liver disease spread by contact with infected blood. Persons harboring HCV may show no symptoms, or may suffer from symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain. Possible long ter...