50. Wong JB, Koff RS, Tine F, Pauker SG. Cost-effectiveness of Interferon-alpha2b Treatment for Hepatitis B e Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1995; 122(9): 664-675. 51. Brooks EA, LaceyLF, Payne SL, Miller DM. Economic Evaluation of Lamivudine ...
In high-risk individuals who have had titers checked after primary HB immunization, a small percentage of apparently healthy recipients do not mount a detectable response to the vaccine. This failure to respond is related to factors such as age (>40 years), male gender, smoking, obesity,HIV ...
Hepatitis B vaccine and cost-effectiveness analysisdoi:10.1016/0016-5085(83)90162-2D.F. RansoffF.L. WeberGastroenterology
Hepatitis B vaccine has been progressively introduced into the Gambian programme of immunization since 1986. Other African countries are considering introduction but require evidence of cost-effectiveness to justify such a decision. The cost of the Expanded Programme on Immunization in The Gambia, which...
S. (2004). Cost effectiveness of hepatitis A/B versus hepatitis B vaccination for US prison inmates. Vaccine, 22, 1241–1248. Article PubMed Google Scholar Jacobsen, K. H., & Koopman, J. S. (2004). Declining hepatitis A seroprevalence: A global review and analysis. Epidemiology and ...
Background: Hepatitis A and B are two of the mostdoi:10.1586/14760584.2016.1150182Marina BakkerEveline M. BungeCinzia MaranoMarc de RidderLaurence De MoerloozeImmunogenicity, effectiveness and safety of combined hepatitis A and B vaccine: a systematic literature review [ J]. Expert Rev Vac- cine...
For targeted vaccination, cost effectiveness was highly dependent on the risk of infection. Incidence, vaccine cost and discount rate were the most influential parameters in sensitivity analyses. Overall, analyses that evaluated the combined hepatitis A/hepatitis B vaccine, adjusted incidence for under-...
hepatitis B vaccination of infants to interrupt transmission. In 1994, the ACIP expanded the recommendations to include previously unvaccinated children aged 11-12 years.2The percentage of children aged 19-35 months who have received three doses of hepatitis B vaccine has increased substantially from...
Current consensus does not support the use of a universal booster of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine because there is an anamnestic response in almost all children 15 years after universal infant HBV vaccination. We aimed to provide a booster strate
Cost-effectiveness analyses of hepatitis a vaccine. Pharmacoeconomics. 2008;26:17-32.Anonychuk AM, Tricco AC, Bauch CT, Pham B, Gilca V, Duval B, et al. Cost-effectiveness analyses of hepatitis A vaccine, A systematic review to explore the effect of methodological quality on the economic ...