Chevrier MC, St-Louis M, Perreault J, Caron B, Castilloux C, Laroche J, et al. Detection and characterization of hepatitis B virus of anti-hepatitis B core antigen-reactive blood donors in Quebec with an in-house nucleic acid testing assay. Transfusion 2007;47:1794-1802....
(P21). HBcAg is a 27 nm particulatenucleocapsid protein. HBcAg is not detected in serum, but is an intracellular virion associated nucleocapsid antigen that is the product of the C gene alone. HBeAg therefore has substantial amino acid homology to HBcAg, and the proteins are cross-reactive at...
英文名称: Hepatitis B Virus e-Antigen Recombinant 总访问: 271 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 18 产地/品牌: prospec 产品类别: 细胞生物学试剂 规格: HBV-272 最后更新: 2024-12-5 货号: CAS 号: 参考报价: 询价 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:...
It is crucial for clinicians to understand the need to screen for hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc status), proper interpretation of HBV biomarkers, and
This blood test detects IgM antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (IgM anti-HBc) to indicate an acute hepatitis B infection.After infection with HBV, the IgM antibody is the first antibody produced by the body to fight off the virus. ...
Understanding the Hepatitis B e-Antigen (HBeAg) How the HBsAb Test Is Done The HBsAb test is done by taking a blood sample that can be sent to the lab. Your healthcare provider will check the results against your vaccination history, symptoms, and exposure risk, as well as the results of...
Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus e-Antigen 供应商 ProSpec 产品货号 HBV-272 产品报价 ¥询价/1mg ¥25ug ¥5ug 产品说明书 点击查看 购买方式 在线支付宝及网银支付、支票、现金、电汇,或拨打全国免费服务电话4006800868与我们联系. 产品新闻 背景资料
Routine use of the automated chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay Abbott ARCHITECT® anti-HBc for diagnosis of hepatitis B is limited in case of borderline reactive sera with low signal close to the cut-off index. In order to determine the significance of anti-HBc detection when borderline r...
Hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) is an antibody that develops in response to the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), which is the outer shell of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Positive HBsAb indicates past or resolving infection, and it remains detectable for life. ...
Impact of a policy to permit the return of donors repeat-reactive to the Abbott PRISM antibody to hepatitis B core antigen assay. BACKGROUND: The expected donor loss from recent implementation of antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) testing in Canada was uncertain but poten... SF...