Differences in the Course of Hereditary Hepatitis Between Males and Females, and Between Virgins and Parous Female LEC RatsA strain of Long-Evans rats (LEC), a new autosomal recessive mutant with hepatitis and severe jaundice [1–3], was established at the Cancer Institute, Hokkaido University ...
Jaundice "There are no treatments for hepatitis A, except forsupportive care[such as] medication for nausea [and] intravenous fluids," explained Jenkins, who is also an associate professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, in Cleveland. She added that "hepatitis A does not ...
In a study of pregnancy outcome comparing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)–positive and HBsAg-negative women, there were no differences in gestational age at delivery, birth weight, incidence of prematurity, neonatal jaundice, congenital anomalies, or perinatal mortality.2 In general, women with...
Hippocratesdescribed a potentially dangerous disease widely found in young people and accompanied by jaundice. • As early as 752, PopeZachariaswrote in a letter to St. Boniface, Bishop of Mainz (Germany), about “jaundice of a contagious nature” where those affected would have to be segregate...
HCV is an enveloped positive strand virus comprising a complex between genomic RNA and viral envelope glycoproteins (E1 and E2), which are anchored within host derived double-layered lipid membrane surrounding the nucleocapsid composed of several copies of core protein. ...
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are both RNA viruses with a tropism for liver parenchyma but are also capable of extrahepatic manifestations. Hepatitis E is usually a viral acute fecal-oral transmitted and self-limiting disease presenting with malaise, jaundice, nausea and vo...
yellow tinge to the skin and eyes, dark urine (jaundice), and light-colored bowel movements. Hepatitis is contagious, meaning it is passed from person to person. In order to contract hepatitis C, you must come into contact with blood or other body fluids that could contain the blood of an...
083 cases of jaundice and 600 deaths within a seven-week period. Pregnant women, in all three trimesters, were more frequently infected with HEV compared to men and non-pregnant women aged 15–45 years [18,44]. Another significant epidemic occurred between 1986 and 1988, leaving a lasting ...
PERIOD OF INFECTIVITY OF PATIENTS WITH HOMOLOGOUS SERUM JAUNDICE AND ROUTES OF INFECTION IN THIS DISEASE 1. Pooled specimens of serum obtained from 3 human volunteers three-fourths through their respective 56, 66, and 70 day incubation periods of homologous se......
Type A viral hepatitis, or "infectious" hepatitis, is almost certainly an ancient disease, with descriptions of contagious jaundice described as long ago as the fifth century B.C. (reviewed in ref. 188 ). Although infectious causes of hepatitis other than hepatitis A virus (HAV) may have bee...