TuesdayWernerTamiKippleSDOSJournal for Nurse PractitionersChaney, A., Werner, K. T., & Kipple, T. (2015). Primary care management of hepatic encephalopathy: a common cirrhosis complication. Journal of Nursing Practice, 11(3), 300-306.
hepatic encephalopathy is not known. However, it is commonly believed that an accumulation ofneurotoxins(particularly ammonia) in the cerebral circulation is the main causative factor.88A number of studies have foundlactuloseto be effective in the management of this condition89-91and in its prevention...
Diuretics.Diureticsmay be given foredema, however, they require careful monitoring because fluid andelectrolyte imbalancemay precipitate hepatic encephalopathy. Lactulose.Encephalopathy is treated with lactulose. Antibiotics.Antibiotics are used to decrease intestinal bacteria and reduce ammonia production, one o...
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This study aimed to explore the related factors and strengths of hepatic cirrhosis complicated with hepatic encephalopathy (HE) by multivariate logistic regression analysis and tabu search-based Bayesian networks (BNs), and to deduce the probability of HE in patients with cirrhosis under different cond...
These drugs may effectively treat opioid-induced N&V, but may limit or interfere with pain management. Antagonizing opioid receptors may lower the analgesic effects and may precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Use of opioid receptor antago- nists are never a first line drug for treatment of N&V but...
Management of acute severe cerebral edema is important and is discussed in Chapter 105. Prognosis Prognosis of hepatic encephalopathy is guarded, in spite of improvement in intensive medical support. One-year survival is 40%, and 3-year survival is 15%. Fulminant hepatic failure has a mortality ...
LIVER | Nutritional Management of Liver and Biliary Disorders E.Medici, inEncyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003 Type of Liver Disease Acute or fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) refers to massive hepatocellular necrosis resulting in hepatic encephalopathy and coma within 8 we...
He has no evidence of ascites; his albumin is in the normal range, and no encephalopathy. He has a mildly elevated INR; however, this may be due to the presence of rivaroxaban. Even if the elevated INR were due to hepatic dysfunction, he would be classified as Child-Pugh class A, and...
COVID-19 infection can be associated with myocardial injury [18], [19], [20], heart failure [18], vascular inflammation, myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias [19], and hypoxic encephalopathy [21]. The progression and prognosis of COVID-19 infection is worse in the presence of diabetes mellitus ...