Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiatric syndrome of both acute and chronic liver disease. As a metabolic disorder, HE is considered to be reversible and therefore is expected to resolve following the replacement of the diseased liver with a healthy liver. However, persisting neurological ...
Liver function tests and imaging can also help identify problems like hepatic steatosis (hepatic lipidosis), hepatic encephalopathy (hepatic coma), hepatic cysts, hepatic adenoma, hepatic hemangioma, diffuse hepatic steatosis, hepatic lesions, hepatic fibrosis, and fulminant hepatic failure. Imaging helps ...
HepaticEncephalopathy肝性脑病是严重肝病门体分流所 肝性脑病 是严重肝病/门体分流所 致,以代谢紊乱为基础的中 枢神经系统功能失调的综合 征。HepaticEncephalopathy肝性脑病是严重肝病门体分流所 病例1 陈×,男,48岁。乙肝史10余年。门体分流术后一年。高蛋白饮食后意识障碍、精神错乱。肝硬化肝功减退。肝功能...
53. Kullmann F, Hollerbach S, Lock G, Holstege A, Dierks T, Schölmerich J. Brain electrical activity mapping of EEG for the diagnosis of (sub)clinical hepatic encephalopathy in chronic liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2001;13...
必应词典为您提供hepatic-encephAlopathy的释义,un. 肝性脑病; 网络释义: 肝性脑病变;肝异常性脑病变;肝脑症;
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a prognostically relevant neuropsychiatric syndrome that occurs in the course of acute or chronic liver disease. Besides ascites and variceal bleeding, it is the most serious complication of decompensated liver cirrhosis. Ammonia and inflammation are major triggers for the...
HE in chronic liver disease (CLDType A HE or HE associated with acute liver failureType B HE or HE associated with portal–systemic bypassminimal HE (subclinical HEneuropathology of hepatic encephalopathybrain glucose and energy metabolismgammaHistory and admission findings: A 63-year-old woman was...
英文: Acute liver failure leads to hepatic encephalopathy.中文: 急性肝功能衰竭可导致肝性脑病。英文: Effects of RuHuang Pill on Rat Astroglia Structure and Protein Expressions with Hepatic Encephalopathy of Type A中文: 乳黄片对A型肝性脑病大鼠星形胶质细胞结构与蛋白的影响 ...