肝脏囊肿的英文翻译,肝脏囊肿用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/gān zàng náng zhǒng/ 肝脏囊肿的英文翻译 网络Liver cystHepatic cystHepatic Cysts 词组短语 肝脏囊肿排空术Evacuation of cyst of liver 双语例句 单词专题
肝囊肿(Hepatic cyst).doc,肝囊肿(Hepatic cyst) Hepatic cyst is a congenital cystic lesion of the liver and belongs to benign lesions. Hepatic cysts can be solitary or multiple hepatic cysts. If combined with renal cysts, they are called polycystic liv
3. Report of 46 cases of laparoscopic fenenstration and deroofing in hepatic cyst; 腹腔镜肝囊肿去顶开窗术46例临床分析更多例句>> 2) Liver cyst 肝囊肿 1. Laparoscopic treatment of liver cysts; 经腹腔镜治疗肝囊肿临床探讨 2. Taking the liver cyst ultrasound images as the example, this ...
Traumatic cysts of liver are amongst the less frequently known sequelae of liver trauma. The incidence of this entity is very low. We report a case of large post-traumatic liver cyst in a young adult male, who sustained blunt abdominal trauma three months back. The cyst was diagnosed by CT...
We report a case of a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst (CHFC) in the left lobe of the liver in a 42-year-old woman. To date, only 60 cases of these respiratory epithelial lined hepatic cysts have been reported since first described by Friedrich in 1857. CHFC are believed to be ...
Percutaneous aspiration of hepatic cysts does not provide definitive therapy Follow-up of 13 patients who underwent radiologically guided percutaneous needle aspiration of simple liver cysts revealed cyst recurrence in all patients within 2 years. While still effective as a primary diagnostic maneuver, pe...
The abdominal ultrasound (US) revealed a hepatic cyst with multiple daughter cysts in the right lobe of the liver and multiple cystic structures in the inferior vena cava (IVC) secondary to the spread of the liver hydatid disease (figures 1 and 2). Pulmonary Embolism as a Rare Complication ...
An 81-year old male patient, surnamed Wang, developed severe abdominal distension recently, and his appetite was also worsened. He had medical history of liver cysts, which were significantly enlarged and compressed the stomach, leading to unbearable abd
An unusual congenital hepatic cyst in an adolescent and review of differential diagnoses of complex liver cysts pyogenic abscesscystadenomapThe diagnosis of a simple hepatic cyst is not difficult, but diagnostic confusion occurs when atypical features such as intracystic... Y Bryce,B Wood,P Baron,...
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AD Polycystic Disease, Liver • Hepatic cysts are multiple, of varying sizes, enlarge and distort liver • Often have contents of complex fluid due to prior hemorrhage • Cysts in other organs (50% have renal polycystic disease) ± family history of polycystic disease ...