Heparin saline use for the maintenance of invasive arterial and central lines may be associated with significant risks and has not been conclusively shown to confer additional benefits over saline flushing alone. The routine use of heparin saline flush instead of saline alone for arterial and central...
Hospital Yesllow or Transparent Disposable Saline Lock Cap, Find Details and Price about Heparin Flush Cap IV Lock Cap from Hospital Yesllow or Transparent Disposable Saline Lock Cap - Yangzhou Easier Way Import and Export Co., Ltd
salineThis paper compares the effectiveness of normal saline and heparinised saline as a flushing solution in maintaining patencyof arterial catheters. Use of heparin as a flushing solution in maintaining patency of intra- arterial catheters has been a recognizedpractice. Due to its anticoagulation ...
Kordzadeh A, Austin T, Panayiotopoulos Y. Efficacy of normal saline in the maintenance of the arterial lines in comparison to heparin flush: a comprehensive review of the literature. J Vasc Access. 2014;15(2):123- 7. doi:10.5301/jva.5000183. Epub 2013....
Pseudomonas Bloodstream Infections Associated with a Heparin/Saline Flush -- Missouri, New York, Texas, and Michigan, 2004-2005. (cover story)Describes the investigation being conducted on cases of pseudomonas bloodstream infections associated with a heparin/saline flush in several U.S. states as of...
Liu D;Zhang LP; Huang SF; etal.Outbreak of serratia marcescens infection due to contamination of muhipie - dose vial of heparinsa- line solution used to flush deep vennus catheters or peripheral tro- cars.J Hosp Infect.2011.175-176
normal saline flush to maintain the patency of central venous catheter among adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J. Family Med. Prim. Care 2019, 8, 2779–2792. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Schallom, M.E.; Prentice, D.; Sona, C.; Micek, S.T.; Skrupky, L.P. ...