CUTANEOUS NECROSIS AROUND INJECTION SITES OF SC HEPARINInpharma Weekly -doi:10.1007/BF03290755Springer International PublishingInpharma
M., L. Beaubatie, S. C. Rall, and D. Maurel. 1987. Subfractionation of 1.006-1.063 g/ml components of badger plasma lipoproteins by using heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography: relevance to the endocrine regula- tion of lipoprotein metabolism. J. Lipid Res. 28: 900-912....
(n1ie); (1Nf)‐;glyNco-lbylegnluzcooysalmgliunec osa(1mj);i ne (1h); N‐thioglycolylglucosamine (1k) and N‐azidoacetylglucosamine (1l). PhGn2E showed no activity N-picolintyolwgalurdcso Ns‐aomctaindeeca(n1oiy)l;gluNco-sgalmycinoel...