PAU(全称:Pre-Cooling Air Unit,预冷空调箱) 预冷空调箱一般都是与风机盘管FCU配合使用的,功能是对室外新风进行预处理,再送至风机盘管(FCU)。 RCU(全称:Recycled airhandling Unit,循环空调箱) 循环空调箱也叫室内空气循环机组,主要是吸入和排出室内空气,以确保室内空气循环。 MAU(全称:Make-up Air Unit,全新...
The present invention features a HEPA filter unit box sealing, corrosion resistance, disinfectants, filter replacement safe, convenient; The present invention satisfies biosafety requirements for high-level biosafety lab delivery, exhaust treatment system.祁建城...
Yaning Cleanroom Hepa Filter Unit HFU Hepa Filter Box With Air Damper Product Description Product Overview Lightweight cold-roll steel sheet or stainless steel Room side replaceable filter access Welded construction for strength and leak-free operation Easy access fo...
Product name:High efficiency filter;Material:The glass fiber;Type:China Hepa Filter;Application:Air Filtration System;Keyword:Hepa Filter Air Purifier;Function:Air Filtraion;Usage:Widely Used Dust Filter;Color:Picture Shows;Feature:Eco-friendly;Advantage
FFU(全称:Fan Filter Units,风机滤器机组) 风机滤器机组是将风机和过滤器(高效过滤器(HEPA)或超高效过滤器(ULPA))组合在一起构成自身提供动力的末端净化设备。 确切地说,它是一种自带动力、具有过滤功效的模块化的末端送风装置。风机从FFU顶部将空气吸入并经HEPA过滤,过滤后的洁净空气在整个出风面以0.45m/s±20...
FFU(全称:Fan Filter Units,风机滤器机组) 风机滤器机组是将风机和过滤器(高效过滤器(HEPA)或超高效过滤器(ULPA))组合在一起构成自身提供动力的末端净化设备。 确切地说,它是一种自带动力、具有过滤功效的模块化的末端送风装置。风...
FFU(全称:Fan Filter Units,风机滤器机组) 风机滤器机组是将风机和过滤器(高效过滤器(HEPA)或超高效过滤器(ULPA))组合在一起构成自身提供动力的末端净化设备。 确切地说,它是一种自带动力、具有过滤功效的模块化的末端送风装置。风机从FFU顶部将空气吸入并经HEPA过滤,过滤后的洁净空气在整个出风面以0.45m/s±20...
Yaning Customize Hepa Filter Unit Dosposable Hepa Filter Box For Clean room Product Description The enclosure is wrapped with insulation foam,to prevent water droplets from condenses on the hePA box due to a sudden drop in temperature, affecting the effect of t...
A fan filter unit (FFU) is a of type of motorized air filtering equipment. It is used to supply purified air to cleanrooms, laboratories, medical facilities or microenvironments by removing harmful airborne particles from recirculating air. The units ar...
Airkey stainless steel high quality Fan Filter Unit cleanroom FFU FFU is a type of unit used for filtering laminar air and supplying clean air.FFU can bu used standalone or installed modularly. FFU is the core when making cleanroom equipment for a given space including c...