Cells 2021, 10, 455 Gene ACC ACTB COX6B FAS GLUT2 GYS2 PEPCK1 6PFK PGC1A PK PPARG PYGL SREBP1C Table 1. Primers for reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Coding Protein acetyl-CoA carboxylase β actin cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B fatty acid synthase glucose transporter 2 glycogen ...
However, the lack of C2-domain in recombinant protein resulted in a diminiMshedeicdineos l2i0g18o,m5, xeFrOisRaPtiEoEnR R(FEVigIEuWre 1A,B). 5 of 14 (A) (B) FigureFhi1ogm.uorBepeh1ai.ldicBeabagidngdraiengggg.aret(gAioa)tniMonaosnasosamsyaeyorifocftflhtuheoerrereseccceeenpptttoo...