因此,我们可以证实HG6-64-1和dasatinib两药联合对SK-Hep-1细胞增殖的抑制作用更佳,在0.6 μmol/L时抑制率能达到30%~40%。 The responses of SK-Hep-1 cells to different drug combinations and single drugs were compared. A: HG6-64-1...
Preflight testing For the energy calibration of all SSD channels, we tested the instrument with radioactive isotopes. We measured the energy spectra of all strips by using γ-ray sources placed in front of each SSD module. Figure 8 shows the spectrum of one SSD channel. From the center of...
细胞中的晃受荧光成像 瞳3不同抗榱抗体在Hep-2细胞中的免疫黄光凰量fⅡ目{细胞】 A抗U1・ RNP、sm阳性血清(样本L2);B抗睁^、R052、璐-B阳性血清(样本I'61);c抗daDNh、棱小体、组蛋自 抗体阳性m清(样率Y39);D抗棱糖体P蛋白抗体阳性血清(样乖529),E抗线粒谇抗体(AMA-M2型)阳性m请 (样本...
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) disproportionately affects people who inject drugs, migrants, prisoners and the homeless. An integrated, peer-led model of care involving primary and secondary care is required to enhance the identification and treatment of HCV in
(early apoptotic cells, AV+/PI−)” and the cell-cycle distribution of both untreated and treated HL60 treated with compound 4 (IC50 = 8.09 μM, 48 h, A) and HepG2 cells treated with compound 8b (IC50 = 13.14 μM, 48 h, B), with a bar chart representation of cell-population ...