In the present study we have evaluated a herbo-vitamin formulation, Livogrit Vital (LVV), composed of Boerhaavia diffusa, Phyllan- thus niruri, Solanum nigrum, Rosa centifolia (Vitamin C enriched), Spinacia oleracea (Vitamin B 9 enriched), and Zea mays (Vitamin B12 enriched). These...
1,TorontoandParisIIdefinitionsoftreatmentresponse,intheUK-PBCcohortat5(A),10(B)and15years(C).Eachplotin Figure3showsonlyonepointbecausetheBarcelona,ParisI,TorontoandParisIIdefinitionsoftreatmentresponsearedichoto- mous,havingapre-definedthresholdandonlytwolevels:responderandnonresponder.TheROCcurveis...
Malvern, UK). Milli-Q water and culture medium were used as background controls. At least four measurements were taken of each sample. The number of runs per