乙肝表面抗原主要分为四个亚型:adw、ayw、adr和ayr 我国主要流行的亚型是adw; 东南亚主要流行的亚型则是adr; 欧美主要流行的亚型则是adw和ayw; 美国针对乙肝疫苗(HepB)的免疫计划具体如下: 美国2018国家免疫计划完整版: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads...
The HepB vaccine was first licensed for use in 1981, and the following year, the CDC recommended it for high-risk groups such as health care workers, gay men, and illicit injectable drug users. It also recommended a three-dose series of the vaccine for infants born to carrier mothers star...
of HBV infections are acquired perinatally, the relative contribution of perinatal HBV infection to the overall disease burden, and the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of providing vaccination at birth, should be carefully considered before a decision is made on the optimal vaccination schedule." Ref...
You can view the live streams directly from AIDS.gov’sFacebook page. We’ll have an interview schedule soon, so check our website for specific times. We encourage everyone to watch, comment, and share! As always, you don’t need a Facebook account to watch the live videos, but you ...