【亨利八世的甲胄 The Armor of Henry VIII】年迈的亨利八世为何还要打造上佳的甲胄?是捍卫政权还是彰显英勇?现存的亨利八世第三幅上佳甲胄打造与1540年,彼时的亨利已近年迈!这副格林威治甲胄工艺上乘、雕琢细致还配有镀金装饰处处彰显其威严。在如此年纪斥巨资耗经历打造甲胄究竟意欲何为?#甲胄# #亨利八世# #...
Henry VIII (Folger Shakespeare Library) William Shakespeare 4.2 out of 5 stars 55 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $699$699 Richard III (Folger Shakespeare Library) William Shakespeare 4.6 out of 5 stars 396 Kindle Edition 1 offer from $599$599 Richard II (Folger Shakespeare Library) William ...
Colorful depictions of the famous monarch and all 6 of his queens include 9 dolls -- one of each of the 6 wives, plus 3 of the king in early, middle, and later years. The 16 lavish costumes include royal armor and elegant gowns, all accurately rendered and with informative notes. ...
The final deal, then, was that Arthur, Henry VII's oldest, would marry Ferdinand and Isabella's daughter, Catherine. Catherine, officially styled "Catherine of Aragon", was one of the youngest children of the Spanish couple and would be of most value to her parents if she could get marrie...
Ireland, Edward VI (1547-1553), coinage in the name of Henry VIII, 1547-c.1550, 'Mule' Sixpence Groat, Type IV, Dublin, HENRIC .' 8 . D ' G ' AGL .' FRA .' Z . HIB . REX., small crowned 'Tower' bust 6 facing, rev. * CIVITAS * * DVBLINIE *, rosette stops, 'local'...
Heavy metal Henry.Focuses on the demonstration of a replica to the jousting armor of King Henry VIII in Great Britain. Weight of the helmet; Design of the armor for protection; Solid materials being used.LawrenceSandraTimes Educational Supplement...
其中第九章介绍了Henry VIII的几位朋友,包括William Compton(死于sweating disease汗热病,剧中和Tallis有一腿)、Henry Norris(和Boleyn们一起被砍头)、Thomas Wyatt(剧中和Boleyn有一腿的诗人,真实经历还算挺复杂)、Francis Bryan(剧中和Thomas Seymour跑去欧洲抓Regenald Pole那个)、和Charles Brandon。Charles应该算是...
Among the collection's 14,000 objects are many pieces made for and used by kings and princes, including armor belonging toHenryVIIIofEngland,HenryIIof France, and FerdinandI ofGermany. Entre la colecciónde15 000 objetos hay muchas piezas que fueron hechas para el usodereyes y príncipes, inc...
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Costume Propmaker $317MM $220MM $620MM $1.33B King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Senior Leather Worker $175MM $15MM $39MM $149MM Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Costume Propmaker $200MM $155MM $5...
royalarmories.org royalarmouries.org 相似文献Tournaments and early Tudor chivalry Studies the role of jousting in King Henry VIII of England's court. Henry VII's enthusiasm for tournaments, which he passed along to his son; Henry VIII's physical abilities at jousting; How he used the spectacle...