Henry Ford Health - Careers Careers - Jobs,不过,这种美丽的植物有时也会让人苦不堪言,对于一些嗅觉灵敏的人来说,紫娇花具有一股十分浓烈的韭菜味,只可远观不可亵玩。这种气味主要是用来防止昆虫与动物食用自己的叶片,起到自我防卫的作用。不过,对于人类来说,这又
Gifts to King Edward VII, the Queen's great-grandfather, from his mistress, Alice, Mrs. George Keppel, included the dog Caesar, shown following his master's coffin in 1910 there's a little crystal vase and a small dog on a string. The inscription on his collar might even charm an aust...
在治疗前、6个月、每年(共5年)评估智商和内分泌状态。 治疗5年后,SCRT组平均总智商(full-scale or global IQ)和操作智商(performance IQ)显著高于ConvRT组,P值分别为0.04和0.046。5年累积神经内分泌功能障碍发生率SCRT组显著低于ConvRT组(31% vs 51%)。 研究者认为与传统放疗比较,有残留或进展的良性或低级...