HenryDavidThoreau ECONOMY WHENIWROTEthefollowingpages,orratherthebulkof them,Ilivedalone,inthewoods,amilefromanyneigh- bor,inahousewhichIhadbuiltmyself,ontheshore ofWaldenPond,inConcord,Massachusetts,andearned mylivingbythelaborofmyhandsonly.Ilivedthere twoyearsandtwomonths.AtpresentIamasojourner inciviliz...
Henry David Thoreau美国超验主义作家梭罗简介及《瓦尔登湖》赏析英文PPT课件 热度: An analysis of the Confucianism in Thoreau´s Walden 浅析梭罗作品《瓦尔登湖》中的儒家思想 热度: Henry David Thoreau Walden - What I Lived for 热度: HenryDavid ...
Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, ed. Walter Harding and Carl Bode [New York: New York University Press, 1958]) Major Works Resistance to Civil Government (1849) / Civil Disobedience (1866) Walden / Life in the Woods (1854) Note: ...
But when Henry builds himself a cabin — "not one inch bigger than I need" — near Walden Pond and speaks out against a ghastly plan to destroy his beloved Walden Woods, the town brands him a trouble-some rooster. Can Henry prove once and for all that nature is worth more than sooty...
Thoreau, Henry David: The Annotated Walden. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Together with "Civil Disobedience," a detailed chronology and various pieces about its author, the writing and publishing of the Book. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., (1970). First Edition, First Printing. ...
摘要: Acclaimed author/illustrator Michael McCurdy highlights what has changed at Walden Pond and what has stayed the same from Henry David Thoreau's time to our own.被引量: 3 年份: 2010 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 estore.onthemarkpress.com ebookdestination.com...
Richard Harris Wright
The pond was a small ocean; the Atlantic, a large Walden Pond. He referred every minute fact to cosmical laws. Though he meant to be just, he seemed haunted by a certain chronic assumption that the science of the day pretended completeness, and he had just found out that the _savans_...
He compares today’s Walden Pond with that of Thoreau’s day. Wilson will use such comparisons for the rest of the book. The problem is clear: man has done great damage to his home over the years. Van the earth with human help be made to return to biodiversity levels that will be ...
4、 expression of his transcendentalist, it philosophyThoreaul我走入林中,因为想从容地生活。我希望可以生活得深邃并领悟生命的精髓,摒除所有不属于生活的东西。当我即将辞世的时候,我不想发现自己从未真正生活过。l Walden Pond park area was saved from being built on because of his writings. Over 600,000...