Individuals like Thoreau constructed the political dimension of Transcendentalism by putting their transcendentalist beliefs into action by disobeying the government. The true transcendentalist movement was rooted in various influential factors including but not limited to slavery and the civil war, women's...
Henry David Thoreau HenryDavidThoreau HenryDavidThoreau(seenamepronunciation;July12,1817–May6,1862)wasanAmericanauthor,poet,philosopher,abolitionist(废奴主义者),naturalist(自然主义者),taxresister(抗税者),surveyor(验船师),andhistorian(历史学家).Aleadingtranscendentalist(超验主义者),[2]Thoreauis...
Henry David Thoreau was a leading transcendentalist. He was most known for his essays, with the major themes focusing on nature and government. His works weren’t highly appreciated during his lifetime, but as years went on they became very influential. He was one of the first environmentalis...
Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, and his political opponents are in a tizzy and clutching their pearls as if no President before him has pardoned friends, business and political associates, and others who may hold the same beliefs. Presidents and Governors have the authority to pardon convict...