Henry David Thoreau was born on July 12, 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts. He was the son of John and Cynthia Thoreau, and the third of four children. Out of his two sisters and a brother, Helen was the oldest sister, John Thoreau Jr. was Henry’s older brother and Sophia was the yo...
from her veins steals up into our own. I am the autumnal sun, With autumn gales my race is run; When will the hazel put forth its flowers, Or the grape ripen under my bowers? When will the harvest or the hunter’s moon Turn my midnight into mid-noon? I am all sere and yellow, ...
Works of Henry David Thoreau: Selected PoemsThoreau, Henry David
America's greatest nature writer and a political thinker of worldwide impact, Henry David Thoreau's remarkable essays reflect his speculative and probing cast of mind. In his poems, he gave voice to his private sentiments and spiritual aspirations in the plain style of New England speech. Now,...
Henry David Thoreau, the American philosopher, poet, and essayist, is known for his transcendentalist ideas and his love for nature. His works are a reflection of his beliefs and his observations of the world around him. One of his most famous poems, "Let Such Pure Hate Still Underprop,"...
Henry David Thoreau, the renowned American philosopher, poet, and naturalist, is known for his exceptional literary works that reflect his deep love for nature and his philosophical musings. One of his most celebrated poems is "Low-Anchored Cloud," which is a beautiful portrayal of the ever-cha...
APleaforCaptainJohnBrown,1859CapeCod,1865AYankeeinCanada,1866CompleteWorks,1929(5vols.)CollectedPoems,1943 Walden BackgroundinformationSynopsis(contents)Themes BackgroundinformationaboutWalden AreproductionofThoreau'scabinwithastatueofThoreau BackgroundinformationaboutWaldensojourninacabinnearWaldenThebookdetails...
Henry David Thoreau WaldenPond HenryDavidThoreau HenryDavidThoreau梭罗 Americanwriter,philosopher,andnaturalist 1.Life(1817–1862)PlaceofBirth:Concord,MassachusettsKnownforObservingnatureandsocialphilosophiesinhiswriting Milestones 1837GraduatedfromHarvardUniversity;startedaschoolinConcordthefollowingyear,...
Thoreau had met Emerson in 1836, heard Emerson’s lecture “The American Scholar,” and began to lecture himself. He later attended Bronson Alcott’s intellectual “conversations” and became involved in the Transcendental Club. Thoreau published poems and essays in The Dial, the journal sponsor...
Here lies the body of this world, Whose soul alas to hell is hurled. This golden youth long since was past, Its silver manhood went as fast, An iron age drew on at last; ‘Tis vain its character to tell, The several fates which it befell, ...