Hamlet In the early days of Rochester railroading, Genesee Junction was the name given to the interchange between the West Shore Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad in Chili, NY.Henrietta Photo: DanielPenfield, CC BY-SA 3.0. Henrietta is a town in Monroe County, New York. It contains the...
After leaving Jamaica where she continued supporting Garvey, she returned to the USA in 1938. There she joined the UNIA, Inc. headquartered in NY city. After some time she was elected President-General of that group. At the age of eighty-one she joined the ancestors. Having been divorced, ...
After leaving Jamaica where she continued supporting Garvey, she returned to the USA. There she joined the UNIA, Inc. headquartered in NY city. In 1934 she was elected President-General of that group. At the age of eighty-one she joined the ancestors. Having been divorced, without children ...