"The Fall of Icarus (La Chute d'Icare)," 1943, by Henri Matisse (1869-1954). Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, and pins. In the last years of his life, Matisse - one of the most famous painters in the world - all but gave up painting for huge, colorful collages made out of c...
One of modern art’s towering figures,Henri Matisse(1869–1954) was a painter, draftsman, sculptor and printmaker before turning to paper cut-outs in the 1940s. From the clashing hues of his Fauvist works made in the South of France in 1904–05, to the harmonies of his Nice interiors f...
尽管Matisse被誉为色彩之父,善用各种强烈视觉冲击的颜色,在年轻的时候被叫做艺术界的bad boy,但是最让人触动的是隐藏在这些浮华后的那份质朴,那份对绘画、对艺术的挚爱。无怪主持小哥几度落泪。 依旧是来自modern art系列的记录,这一次是煽情版的Henri Matisse,野兽派之父,色彩之父。照例先对主持小哥发一分钟的花...
MATISSE "PAINTING WITH SCISSORS" WHILE CREATINGS A PAPER CUT-OUT. Born in 1869, Matisse lived his first31years in the 19th century. A favorite motif, goldfish appear in at least9of his paintings. He had3children: Marguerite, Jean & Pierre. Matisse painted at least25pictures of Lore...
See Matisse’s Cut-Outs at MoMA On view until mid February is the Matisse: The Cut-Outsexhibition at MoMA. After a successful career as a painter,Henri Matisseturned to cut-paper collage in his last decade, as he was unable to comfortably articulate a paintbrush because of the difficulties...
In later life Henri Matisse became a warrior in a wheelchair. Armed with long-bladed scissors and sheets of paper painted in dazzling hues by a team of doting a
Matisse cut the paper with the scissors held wide open so that the blades sheared through the sheet, rather than clipping. The possibilities of cut paper became, in his hands, a fundamentally different technique both from Cubistpapiers collsand Surrealist collages. The enormous potential for this ...
In his cut-out work, Matisse first painted sheets of paper with gouache, and then cut out various shapes and arranged them into new compositions. Through this approach, he finally felt he managed to harmonize line and color, something he had been trying to achieve throughout his entire career...
Why did Henri Matisse like cutting out his pictures? Henri Matisse's Cut Paper Collages Matisse, perhaps the most well-recognized artist of the Post-Impressionist and Fauvism eras, was primarily a painter. He was also a sculptor and print maker. Matisse used sculpture to understand painting tech...
Renowned 20th-century master Henri Matisse (1869-1954), though best known as a painter, was a true multimedia artist whose creativity also spanned sculpture, printmaking and other forms. This is the very first exhibition in Japan to focus on the French artist’s work with paper cut-outs, th...