"The Fall of Icarus (La Chute d'Icare)," 1943, by Henri Matisse (1869-1954). Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, and pins. In the last years of his life, Matisse - one of the most famous painters in the world - all but gave up painting for huge, colorful collages made out of c...
One of modern art’s towering figures,Henri Matisse(1869–1954) was a painter, draftsman, sculptor and printmaker before turning to paper cut-outs in the 1940s. From the clashing hues of his Fauvist works made in the South of France in 1904–05, to the harmonies of his Nice interiors f...
MATISSE "PAINTING WITH SCISSORS" WHILE CREATINGS A PAPER CUT-OUT. Born in 1869, Matisse lived his first31years in the 19th century. A favorite motif, goldfish appear in at least9of his paintings. He had3children: Marguerite, Jean & Pierre. Matisse painted at least25pictures of Lore...
French artist Henri Matisse (1869-1954)was described as “ a man ahead of his time". In honor of the artist, an exhibition titled“ Matisse by Matisse"will be held in Chin a this year. It follows Matisse's works across sixty years.Originally, Matisse aimed to become a lawyer. He atten...
See Matisse’s Cut-Outs at MoMA On view until mid February is the Matisse: The Cut-Outsexhibition at MoMA. After a successful career as a painter,Henri Matisseturned to cut-paper collage in his last decade, as he was unable to comfortably articulate a paintbrush because of the difficulties...
cut out of ultramine painted paper his own divers, swimmers and sea creatures. These forms were then pinned on the white paper, resulting in the aquatic ballet of bodies, splashing water and light. "The Swimming Pool" was Matisse's first and only self-contained, site-specific cut-out. ...
Matisse was great because he had the audacity of simplicity, always.马蒂斯的伟大之处在于他总是如此大胆的简单,脱去浮华后的简单。 在经过这次疾病后,M说之后的创作是那么自由,那么无所畏惧。 后世模仿M: ipod剪纸,奥林匹克2012伦敦Logo,,miffy rabbit ...
In his cut-out work, Matisse first painted sheets of paper with gouache, and then cut out various shapes and arranged them into new compositions. Through this approach, he finally felt he managed to harmonize line and color, something he had been trying to achieve throughout his entire career...
The Jazz Book is one of the key pieces of the exhibition, containing 20 sheets of cut-out paper with circus motifs and texts written by Matisse himself. The book is considered one of his most innovative works. In 1947 he decorated the Rosary chapel in Vence, the work which perhaps more ...
Matisse once wrote in the book Jazz that "an artist should never be a prisoner of himself". In the later years of his life when he became a cancer patient and couldn't paint, he tried a new kind of art: paper cut-outs. He took brightly painted papers, cut them into shapes, and ...