HENNEPIN COUNTY: LIBRARY SYSTEM; Search for library director to be nationwide.(NEWS)Brandt, Steve
An interview with architects Jennifer Yoos and Vincent James on the Hennepin County Walker Library in Minneapolis, Minnesota is presented. Topics mentioned include a brief background of the project which started in 2009, impact of the community on the development of the building, and description ...
Profiles Cynthia Ahren, administrative assistant to the director at the Hennepin County Library in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Dedication of Ahren which led to her winning the 'Library Journal' Paraprofessional of the Year Award; Career highlights and political activity of Ahren, who chairs the Minnesota ...
New motorist-search standard sought; Hennepin County public defenders want a judge to throw out evidence from searches that they call unwarranted.(NEWS)Louwagie, Pam