Articles Seafood Wharf (Hengshan Lu) has recently not appeared in any articlesSponsored Suggestions: Premium La Buom & Ciseaux (Anfu Lu) 164 Anfu Lu, near Wulumuqi Zhong Lu 安福路164号, 近乌鲁木齐中路 3356 3188 Located on Anfu Road, La Boum x Ciseaux offers top-notch hair ...
58同城小区频道,为您提供衡山路小区(衡山路2-1号,4号)房价趋势,衡山路小区(衡山路2-1号,4号)二手房出售,衡山路小区(衡山路2-1号,4号)新房,衡山路小区(衡山路2-1号,4号)租房等信息,找小区就上58同城房产网触屏版 电脑版 58APP 58微信 个人房源 阳泉楼盘 登录/注册 电话冒用 用户反馈 京ICP证060405...
Hong Kong style comfort food and value for money. This place is always busy particularly at dinner times. Originating on Hengshan Lu, now expanded to other areas. Open til 4am this is one of a handful of places in Shanghai to get a late night fill.
Forty One Hengshan Lu / 41 Hengshan Lu - Apartment 芝大厦 ¥ 38,000/month Layout: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Size: 166 sqm Location: Xujiahui, Downtown Code: 14889 Lease Term: 1 year Upload Time: Earlier than 2 months. Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing machine, Built-in...
衡山路高安路(轨道交通1号线衡山路站) 15路 167路 198路 315路 320路 816路 824路 830路 93路 高安路衡山路-公交车站 车次:167路 乌鲁木齐南路衡山路-公交车站 车次:49路; 96路 衡山路出发热门目的地: 新天地 漕宝路 申江路 北洋泾路 虹桥火车站 娄山关路 莘庄 徐家汇 锦江乐园 中山公园 ...
The Place Named after the unfathomably deep Colca Canyon in his native Peru-at 3,270 meters twice the depth of the Grand Canyon-chef and restaurateur Eduardo Vargas dives in for a deeper cut of his nation's complex food culture at this colorful,sprawling spot on Hengshan Lu.Betty ...
小区评测距离小区最近的地铁站是衡山路,约106米;距离小区最近的公交站是衡山路高安路,315路等会经停本站。交通配套越好,出行就越方便,房产也越保值。 距离小区最近的小学是高安路第一小学(康平校区)。周边学校越多,对应小区配套的学校越好,上学越方便。学校配套综合考虑配套数量、距离、学校等级等因素。 绿化率标准...
This paper describes the Hengshanlu Neighbourhood (Shanghai, China), highlights its tourism resources, and considers the positioning strategy for tourism in this historical neighbourhood. Budget tourism routes in the Hengshanlu Neighbourhood are then highlighted, together with the requirements for such rou...