a poisonous plant in the nightshade family, with a strong, unpleasant smell, sticky leaves, and yellowish-white flowers, used as a herb to treat medical conditions: The nightshade family includes such plants as the deadly nightshade, henbane, and tobacco, as well as the potato, aubergine, and...
There’s the smell of lily-of-the-valley, and then there’s the nasty smell of henbane: They’re both of them smells. Bir yanda inci çiçeğinin kokusu, diğer yanda banotunun kokusu: İkisi de kokar. Literature Bear's breech, columbine, henbane, hyacinth, larkspur, mandra...
There’s the smell of lily-of-the-valley, and then there’s the nasty smell of henbane: They’re both of them smells. Bir yanda inci çiçeğinin kokusu, diğer yanda banotunun kokusu: İkisi de kokar. Literature Bear's breech, columbine, henbane, hyacinth, larkspur, mandra...