Laser hemorrhoids treatment uses infrared light, a laser, or an electrical current with the same efficiency. We conduct infrared coagulation on an outpatient basis in the doctor’s office. We may administer mild sedation as necessary for the hemorrhoid laser surgery procedure, which usually only tak...
who is now referring me back to the original colerectal surgeon I saw 7 months ago, so he can scope me (sigmoid) and confirm his diagnosis of a fissure. He informed me of two probable courses of treatment. Try a steroid cream and sitz baths for 10 days to see if it heals on its ...
I went to see my doctor and he explained to me that rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands. Doctors are doing it very often by cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid. This treatment is only for internal hemorrhoids. ...
If you answered yes, then let me tell you that I know exactly how you feel, because I personally had gone through the same experience years ago. I have battled with severe hemorrhoids for more than a decade until I have finally found a treatment that works, healed it permanently and hel...
The pain that I felt afterhemorrhoids treatmentand later after hemorrhoids surgery was really awful. I don't even want to remember this. I don't know why this happened to me and when I told my doctor about this, he told me that he doesn't understand why this happens to me since he ...
I voiced my concern to my doctor, who assured me they would decrease significantly. However, it was entirely possible they were hemorrhoids again, since I had had trouble going to the bathroom the first days after my procedure and had been straining. But it was too early to tell, he said...