If you are having an excruciating bout with external hemorrhoids, you should immediately contact a physician and obtain a prescription. Doctor-prescribed drugs are definitely safer than over-the-counter medication because you are using treatment based on a physician’s diagnosis of your condition. Mor...
Treatment Treatment of external hemorrhoids usually is reassurance and proper anal hygiene, including delicate washing of the anal area and avoidance of aggressive wiping with harsh toilet tissue. Rarely is excision recommended because it is painful and results in swelling of the site, which can creat...
You can apply hemorrhoid cream up to four times a day to ease symptoms. (Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images) Hemorrhoid Ice Pack Ice it.Put a small cold pack on the trouble spot several times a day for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. It can dull pain and bring down the swelling for a...
Receive pain-free non-surgical treatment for internal hemorrhoids using the most advanced procedures. We pride ourselves as being one of the only offices in the country offering the Keesey Technique for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.
EA treatment at the Baliao point can alleviate short-term anal pain and anal swelling after the procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids, reduce the incidence of urinary retention, and decrease the use of postoperative analgesic drugs. Trial registration This study was approved and registered by the ...
Treatment Treatment of externalhemorrhoidsusually isreassuranceand proper anal hygiene, including delicate washing of the anal area and avoidance of aggressive wiping with harsh toilet tissue. Rarely is excision recommended because it is painful and results in swelling of the site, which can create redu...