he•mo•phil•i•a (ˌhi məˈfɪl i ə) n. anyofseveralX-linkedgeneticdisorders,symptomaticchieflyinmales,inwhichexcessivebleedingoccursfromminorinjuriesowingtotheabsenceorabnormalityof aclottingfactorintheblood. [1850–55;<GermanHämophilie(1828);seehemo-,-philia] ...
Haemophilia lowers blood plasma clotting factor levels of the coagulation factors needed for a normal clotting process. Thus when a blood vessel is injured, a temporary scab does form, but the missing coagulation factors prevent fibrin formation, which is necessary to maintain the blood clot. A ha...
The protein involved with hemophilia A is factor VIII (factor 8) and with hemophilia B is factor IX (factor 9). Picture of the blood clotting process Hemophilia A is caused by a mutation in the gene for factor VIII, so this clotting factor is deficient. Hemophilia B (also called ...
If you have mild or moderate hemophilia A, you may be treated withdesmopressin(DDAVP). Desmopressin raises the levels of factor VIII in the blood, and you take it through an IV or as a nasal spray. Drugs known as antifibrinolytics, such as aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid, can also ...
The meaning of HEMOPHILIA is a hereditary, sex-linked blood defect occurring almost exclusively in males that is marked by delayed clotting of the blood with prolonged or excessive internal or external bleeding after injury or surgery and in severe cases
Blood clotting in hemophilia with factor VIIa and phospholipidsButenas, SauliusParadis, Sara GMann, Kenneth G
In hemophilia, one of the clotting factor proteins normally needed for the blood to clot does not work properly, either because the protein itself is abnormal, or because too little or none of it is being produced.In the vast majority of cases, hemophilia is caused by mutations in a gene ...
They should get immunized against hepatitis A and B, diseases that can be carried in blood products. People with hemophilia must avoid aspirin and other medications that affect blood clotting. TreatmentPreventive treatment Clotting factor concentrates help to replace the missing clotting factor in the ...
Treatment With Replacement TherapyThe main treatment for hemophilia is called replacement therapy. Concentrates of clotting factor VIII (for hemophilia A) or clotting factor IX (for hemophilia B) are slowly dripped or injected into a vein. These infusion
ALPROLIX may increase the risk of formation of abnormal blood clots in your body, especially if you have risk factors for developing blood clots. Call your healthcare provider or seek emergency care if you have symptoms of a possible abnormal blood clot, which may include: chest pain, difficult...