or destruction of blood cells and production of blood cells. Anemias can also be classified according to the morphologic characteristics of the erythrocytes, such as size (microcytic,macrocytic, andnormocytic anemias) and color or hemoglobin concentration (hypochromic anemia). A type calledhypochromic...
ischaemia, ischemia - local anemia in a given body part sometimes resulting from vasoconstriction or thrombosis or embolism macrocytic anaemia, macrocytic anemia - anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is larger than normal microcytic anaemia, microcytic anemia - anemia in which the average...
macrocytic anaemia, macrocytic anemia - anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is larger than normal microcytic anaemia, microcytic anemia - anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is smaller than normal malignant anaemia, malignant anemia, pernicious anaemia, pernicious anemia - a ...
hypochromic microcytic ___→___ hipocrómica microcítica, (células pequeñas), deficiencia de glóbulos rojos en menor cantidad que de hemoglobina; macrocytic ___→___ macrocítica, glóbulos rojos de un tamaño exagerado (anemia perniciosa); ...