Share on Facebook (redirected fromAdult hemoglobin) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia he·mo·glo·bin (hē′mə-glō′bĭn) n. The protein in the red blood cells of vertebrates that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues and that consists of four polypeptide subunits, each of which is boun...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Hg (redirected fromhemoglobin) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to hemoglobin:Hemoglobin A1c Category filter: AcronymDefinition HgHydrargentum/Hydrargyrion(Mercury) HgMercury(chemical element) ...
Work tolerance was closely related to Hb concentration (r = 0.74) regardless of the adequacy of storage iron level. One male and six females with a mean Hb of 3.5 g/ml (27-55 years old) were studied before and 24h after transfusing 570ml of whole blood. The mean maximal work load ...
47 of a series of articles on the physiology and pathology of blood from the Harvard Medical School and allied hospitals, a part of the expenses of which has been defrayed from a grant of the Proctor Fund of the Harva... GS Adair,With the collaboration of A. V. Bock and H. Field,...
The blood contains haemoglobin which is a large extracellular haemoprotein flowing in a closed circulatory system. In spite of the fundamental role of this respiratory pigment in earthworm physiology, little is known about its sensitivity to environmental pollutants. The aim of this research was to ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook glycohemoglobin glycohemoglobin [gli″ko-he″mo-glo´bin] glycosylated hemoglobin. (Seehemoglobina1c.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights...
In the present work presents results of investigations of radiation influence on blood of patients examined by radio-isotopes diagnosis (Tc), blood of Chernobyl clean-up workers and human blood irradiated by LINAC using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The EPR spectroscopy reveals information on...
In this work, 170 GBM patients, diagnosed and treated in Soroka University Medical Center (SUMC) over the last 12 years were retrospectively inspected for their survival dependency on pre-operative RBCs parameters. Besides KPS and tumor resection supplemented by oncological treatment, age under 70 ...
The red blood cell (RBC) is of great importance to the function of hemoglobin. Loss of nuclear constituents during normal erythropoiesis imposes on the RBC a finite existence in the circulation. The absence of a nucleus allows it to function more effectively in oxygen transport but limits its ...
Several methods exist for measuring hemoglobin, most of which are done currently by automated machines designed to perform different tests on blood. Within the machine, the red blood cells are broken down to get the hemoglobin into a solution. The free hemoglobin is exposed to a chemical containi...