In general, individuals with a hemoglobinopathy diagnosis were identified by a positive laboratory result for SCD or thalassemia or ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM code in each data set. Next, data sets were matched and merged, one pair at a time, using a probabilistic algorithm that assigned ...
Finally, the criteria for T1DM cohort were as follows: (1) having the diagnostic code for T1DM (ICD-10: E10); (2) receiving insulin maintenance therapy, identified by an insulin prescription record from at least two separate outpatient encounters; and (3) excluding persons with a suspected ...
The outcome of this cohort study was the new occurrence of HZ. The newly diagnosed HZ was identified by searching the ICD code (ICD-9: 053; ICD-10: B02, G53.0) which appeared the first time during the follow-up period, based on the outpatient, inpatient, and emergency department data....
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