The definition of the 10-year incidence of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD), which includes coronary death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke. (for complete list [8] The 10-year incidence of DM was adjudicated according to International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) diagno...
Consistent with previous studies [23], the diagnoses of CHD, heart failure, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and CKD-5 in this study were based on International Classification of Diseases ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes (the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for all diseases ar...
hemoglobin S/E, sickle-cell thalassemia) • D57.8 Other sickle-cell disorders • D56.2 Δ-β-Thalassemia • D56.8 Other thalassemias • D56.9 Thalassemia, unspecified • D57.3 Sickle-cell trait CLIA, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments; ICD-CM, International Classi...
However, the initial laser effect on CCO seemed to precede in time the effect on HbO; i.e., for [HbO] the laser-induced effect was significantly greater than placebo after two minutes of laser treatment [Fig. 1(a)], whereas for [CCO] the significant effect started after one minute ...
The T2DM cohort included at least one diagnostic record of T2DM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) code: E11). In the Japanese health insurance system, records of unconfirmed diagnosis are acceptable for claims purposes (e.g., recorded as "suspected" T2DM); this...
oItf pRrBoCm)o[t1e4s3t]h.eItdpevroelmopomtesentthoefdheevmeloolpytmiceannteomf ihae[m17o1l]y, ttihceapnreemvaialen[1c7e1o],f twhheicphreivnapleanticeentosf wwihthicdhiianbeptaetsiemntesllwituitshisdieasbtiemteastemdealltit2u2s%is[1e7st0i]moarte1d8%at[2127%2].[170] or 18% ...
sses of various confiTromaaitdoriyn ldaebfoinraintogrylamboertahtoodryolaongdiefso[l2lo5w,26-u].p processes, a hemoglobinopathy NBS al- gutcftCpautctChheuohhpiNlrspeaNrgmreaosctciSoCitcfStuesoCePrmhePmNtnTminsnamNtowtsihawSntiegsiegSlmoPractawharPhasnelsistse,sndastwa,acass.bsaclsbrricdaiAereim...