Spanish / Español Select a language: thal·as·se·mi·a , thalassanemia n.talasemia, grupo de diferentes tipos de anemia hemolítica hereditaria encontrada en poblaciones de la región mediterránea y sureste de Asia; major ___→___ mayor; ...
The surveys in hybrid groups in selected areas of the country show that in some West and East Coast communities there are different frequencies of Hb S heterozygous, and that a high prevalence of Hb S trait has been found in some communities similar to that in some African areas. In a ...
Divoky V, Svobodova M, Indrak K, Chrobak L, Molchanova TP, Huisman TH: Hb Hradec Kralove (Hb HK) or alpha 2 beta 2 115(G17)Ala-->Asp, a severely unstable hemoglobin variant resulting in a dominant beta-thalassemia trait in a Czech family. Hemoglobin. 1993 Aug;17(4):319-28. [Arti...
Among 4,134 Black newborns, the frequency of sickle cell anemia (SS) was 0.3 per cent of sickle cell trait (AS) 8 per cent, and of Hb-C trait (AC) 2 per cent, Of 17,781 Spanish surnamed (Mexican) newborn, 0.5 per cent had sickle cell trait, and 0.1 per cent had Hb-C trait...
Spanish / Español Select a language: hemoglobina haemoglobin (American)hemoglobin(hiːməˈgloubin)noun the oxygen-carrying substance in red blood cells.hemoglobina Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...
Hb Seal Rock, an extended α-chain variant, is associated with mild Hb H disease and α-thalassemia-2 trait [101]. Some α-chain variants can lead to chronic hemolytic anemia, with the mutation’s location within the gene sequence playing a crucial role in determining its effect [102]. ...