a conjugated protein in red blood cells, comprising globin and iron-containing heme, that transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body. [1865–70; earlierhematoglobulin.Seehemo-,globin] he`mo•glo′bic,adj. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dict...
In this component, significant mean increases of hemoglobin at 12 months were observed among the users of oral contraceptives and DMPA, but not among users of copper or stainless steel ring IUD. It is concluded that hemoglobin and ferritin levels are influenced by the use of contraceptives and ...
Hemoglobin A2 (HbA2, α2δ2) is a normal variant of hemoglobin A that consists of two alpha and two delta chains and is found at low levels in normal human blood. Hemoglobin A2 may be increased in beta thalassemia or in people who are heterozygous for the beta thalassemia gene. Therefore...
Serum Erythropoietin Levels in Elderly Inpatients with Anemia of Chronic Disorders and Iron Deficiency Anemia Objective : To analyze the relationship between serum erythropoietin levels and hemoglobin levels in elderly patients with anemia of chronic disorders rela... E Joosten,LV Hove,E Lesaffre,... ...
Serum ferritin, liver iron concentration (LIC), and cardiac T2* MRI are used to trend iron overload and response to chelation therapy. A comprehensive management team will include a cardiologist and endocrinologist to manage other complications such as heart failure or delayed puberty. HSCT offers ...
Serum ferritin levels are generally 15–300 ng/mL, with lower accepted values in children and women. The concentrations of systemic ferritin are influenced by chronic or acute inflammation, and previous studies mentioned it as a marker of inflammatory, immunological, and malignant illnesses, indicating...
Some laboratories do not differentiate between adult and "after middle age" hemoglobin values. Pregnant females are advised to avoid both high and low hemoglobin levels to avoid increased risks of stillbirths (high hemoglobin – above the hemoglobin normal range) and premature birth or low-birth-...
Effect of oral and intravenous iron therapy on hemoglobin levels in hemodialysis patients according to serum ferritin level We conducted the retrospective observational study to evaluate the changes in hemoglobin levels, the dose of erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESAs), and the... S Daimon,I Mizus...
42,43 However, serum iron or ferritin levels were not available in our cohort. Of note, MCV was not reduced in our cohort, suggesting widespread microcytic anemia and iron deficiency were unlikely.44 Importantly, future studies examining the relationship between iron levels, anemia, and CIPN are...
Some scientists argue that the 56-day minimum inter-donation interval for donors in the US may not be sufficient for the recovery of hemoglobin and iron stores. That’s why it’s best for donors to monitor their iron and ferritin levels, and use iron supplements if necessary or to prolong...