1. "Hemo" is a term used in medical jargon, pronounced as ['hi:məu,'he-] in English. It is derived from the word for "blood" and is often used in technical contexts to refer to blood specifically.2. Unlike the more common term "blood," which directly refers to ...
A definition of the medical term "hemophagocytosis" is presented. Hemophagocytosis refers to the ingestion of red blood cells by phagocytes. The term originated from the words "haima" meaning blood, "phagein" meaning to eat and "osis" which means the condition. The definition is from the "...
1844, fromhemo-"blood" +-phobia"fear." Perhaps based on Frenchhémophobie. Originally in reference to fear of medical blood-letting. also from1844 Entries linking tohemophobia hemo- word-forming element meaning "blood," perhaps via Old Frenchhemo-, Latinhaemo-, from Greekhaimo-, contraction ...
Hemoabdomen in dogs is a serious medical condition involving the buildup of blood within the abdominal cavity. This condition can be life-threatening and requires immediate veterinary attention.
The individual level of training (training status) of athletes also influences the body’s adaptive response to long-term changes in response to repeated physical exertion. Extensive contemporary research has been published analyzing specific body responses in response to various training regimens and ...
There is no reporting on the long-term consequences of COVID-19 in HD patients. Therefore, we need to relate our results to the increasing number of studies assessing the presence of post-COVID-19 symptoms in the general population. Prevalence of these conditions differs significantly between st...
factors, indicating that despite higher levels of education and better economic status potentially allowing for access to better medical care, visual impairment can occur regardless of level of education, sex, and marital status [2]. Vascular access in patients undergoing HD may be through either ...
it had varying values of the shear stress depending on the distance from the leaching hole located in the central part. The flat surfaces of both the specimen and the disc caused the shear stress decrease with the increase of the radius “r”, meaning that at the edge of the sample, the...
the residual amount was undetectable. To determine the behavior of drug release, we used drug release kinetic studies. As crosslinking is directly related to swelling and hydrophobicity, and changes in pH influence drug release, cross-linking also controls the long-term release of drugs [50]. As...
In addition, since most studies evaluated surrogate outcomes, it is necessary to plan RCTs that apply long-term follow-up clinical endpoints, such as diabetic complications or death. In terms of clinical practice, we believe that blood viscosity will become an increasingly important area in the ...