Single-case study of left cerebral hemispherectomy:development in the first five years of life[J].Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,1987.423-434.Byrne, J. M., and Gates, R. D. (1987). Single-case study of left cerebral hemispherectomy: Development in the first five years...
lobes, while the inner layers are left intact. This type has higher risks of delayed hydrocephalus and blood loss. On the other hand, the functional technique involves less risk as it is only the removal of a smaller area as well as disconnecting the brain tissues which are left in place....
While it might not seem possible for the adult mind to achieve the same degree of plasticity as a younger one, there is the case of E.C., a 47-year-old male, who had his left hemisphere removed due to a tumor. After the procedure, he underwent a phase where he had severeaphasiawit...
Smith A, Sugar O. Development of above normal language and intelligence 21 years after left hemispherectomy. Neurology. 1975;25:813–8. Tinuper P, Andermann F, Villemure JG, Rasmussen TB, Quesney LF. Functional hemispherectomy for treatment of epilepsy associated with hemiplegia: rationale, in...
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Two immediate, but transitory,postoperative complicationsmay follow interhemispheric commissurotomy: (1) a syndrome ofmutism, left arm and legapraxia, andurinary incontinenceand (2)hemiparesis. These complications are more common after one-stage, complete commissurotomy than after two-stage procedures or...
A detailed language assessment was conducted with MM, a 17-year-old bilingual teenager with Rasmussen syndrome who had undergone a left functional hemispherectomy. Results revealed important deficits in French and English, affecting expressive and receptive language in both the written and the oral mo...
A patient who underwent early removal of the left hemisphere because of was submitted to detailed linguistic and visuospatial batteries. The performances were compared to performances of subjects matched for age, education and IQ, but without focal . Language was mildly impaired but to the same exte...
Anatomical hemispherectomy was performed in 18 cases on the left and 25 on the right side. The hemispherectomy was successful in all patients (100%). All patients had infantile hemiplegia concomitant with medically refractory clonic epilepsy. The time of first onset of seizure ranged from 2 ...
At discharge, the patient had distal left-sided sensorimotor impairments, but he was able to ambulate 121.9 m (400 ft) with assistance to maintain his balance. Discussion. The patient's posthemispherectomy recovery was rapid. His brain injury at a young age may have triggered preoperative ...