音标: 英 [ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)] 美 [ˈhɛmɪˌsfɪr] n. 半球, 地球的半面, 大脑半球 [医] 半球 n. half of the terrestrial globe n. half of a sphere n. either half of the cerebrum hemisphere的用法和例句: 1.It's a fibrotract that connects the righthemisphereto the ...
Note field back bets by only diskhemisphere. 本场盘口受注后退止半球盘. 期刊摘选 With the summer solstice now two weeks gone the northernhemisphereis heating up. luyue翻译夏至过去两个星期,北半球的气温越来越高. 期刊摘选 But the harvest season the northernhemisphereis being marked by turmoil on gl...
hemisphere是什么意思、hemisphere怎么读 读音:美[´hemɪsfɪə(r)]英[´hemɪsfɪr] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 hemisphere中文翻译 n.半球;地球的半球;[解]大脑半球 hemisphere是什么意思 网络半球地图; 大脑半球; 半球体 使用频率:星级词汇: ...
hemisphere 基本解释 名词半球; 地球的半球; [解]大脑半球 hemisphere 相关例句 名词 1. If you cut a round fruit into two, each half is a hemisphere. 如果你把一个圆的水果切成两半,每一半就是一个半球。 2. What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?
1) hemisphere[英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球;范围 2) hemisphere[英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球、范围 3) rear-quater weapon-firing envelope 后半球可能射击范围 4) sphere[英][sfɪə(r)] [美][sfɪr] ...
hemisphere hemisphere英['hemɪsfɪə] 美['hɛmɪsfɪr] CET6TEM4IELTSGRE考研TOEFL低频词常用词汇解释 n. 半球 ※ 提供单词"hemisphere"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 中文词源 hemisphere 半球 hemi-,半,词源同semi-,sphere,球。 英文词源 hemisphere (n.) late...
1) hemisphere[英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球,大脑半球 2) cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球 1. In order to study the biochemical asymmetry in normal human brain by using the non-invasive technique of the proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS), 56 healthy ...
western hemisphere eastern hemisphere 【Official例句】 1. We now have hundreds of tree-ring records from throughout the northern hemisphere, and many from south of the equator, too, amplified with a growing body of temperature data from ice cores drilled in Antarctica, Greenland the Peruvian ...
2) hemisphere [英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球 例句>> 3) hemisphere [英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球体;半球4) hemisphere [英]['hemɪsfɪə(r)] [美]['hɛməs'fɪr] 半球,大脑半球...