Gross hematuria is one of the main causes for repeat TURP besides the low urinary tract symptoms.(除了下尿路梗阻症状外,TURP手术后反复发作的肉眼血尿是患者再次实施TURP的一个重要原因。) Clinical representation, such as the change of blood pressure, hematuria and local mass, may imply more signifi...
Causes and diagnostic workup in hematuria and microhematuria. Blood in urine is a leading symptom for many diseases of the genitourinary tract, from the online textbook of urology by D. Manski
13. All hematuria of uncertain causes with hydronephrosis or no pyelic imaging in the ultrasonography or in travenous pyelogram should be considered as primary ureteral carcinoma. 凡原因不明的血尿患者,经B超或静脉尿路造影检查发现有肾积水或肾不显影时应考虑到原发性输尿管肿瘤的可能。
Haematuria or hematuria is defined as the presence of erythrocytes in the urine. Hematuria causes range from being negligible to lethal malignancy. Generally, 1-ml blood in 1-l urine can cause visible urine discoloration and is alarming to patients, which is termed gross, frank, or macroscopic ...
- Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. The lesson is designed to help you: Identify what hematuria is and the different types of hematuria Recall the symptoms that are associated with hematuria Learn how hematuria is diagnosed and treated by a professional...
Most of the time, blood in your urine is caused by an infection that can be treated easily. It can have more serious causes, so talk to your doctor it if you notice it. What is the best treatment for blood in urine? Treatment depends on what causing it. You'll get antibiotics for ...
Causes of Blood in Your Urine (Hematuria) When you experience hematuria, red blood cells leak from your kidneys or your urinary tract into your urine. Blood in your urine is not always a sign of a serious medical condition, but it should be taken as a warning sign that something could be...
Get information about blood in urine (hematuria) in males and females. Learn the causes of blood in urine and when the symptoms may indicate a UTI or another medical condition.
Common causes of hematuriain adults ConditionCharacteristic clinical featuresDiagnostic findingsManagement Nephrolithiasis[17] Dysuria,↑ frequency,↑ urgency Inability to sit still Severe unilateral and colicky flankpain[18] CVA tenderness Nausea,vomiting, and reduced bowel sounds ...
Overall, the most common causes for hematuria in children include urinary tract infection, benign familial hematuria, IgA nephropathy, and idiopathic hypercalciuria. Similar to proteinuria, benign and transient causes exist, and they should be considered early in the investigation. Examples of transient ...