hemangioma是什么意思 音标: 英 [hi:ˌmændʒi:'əʊmə] 美 [hi:ˌmændʒɪ'oʊmə] [医] 血管瘤 n. benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks hemangioma的用法和例句: 1.He was being treated for cavernoushemangioma....
hemangioma [heˌmændʒi`əumə] 医学辞典 血管瘤:由新生血管构成的良性瘤。参见angioma和lymphangioma项下 英汉医学词典 n.血管瘤 专业医学词典 血管瘤 和hemangioma相关的词条 ameloblastic hemangioma 血管性成釉细胞瘤 capillary hemangioma 毛细胞管瘤,焰色痣:同nevus flammeus hemangioma cavernosum,caver...
查词历史 1. hemangioma 与hemangioma相似词语hemangioma[英[hi:ˌmændʒi:'əʊmə]美[hi:ˌmændʒɪ'oʊmə]] hemangioma的意思、解释 复数形式:hemangiomas; n.血管瘤 网络血管瘤;血管瘤的;海绵状血管瘤更多
词汇 hemangioma 释义hemangioma[hi:ˌmændʒiˈəumə]n.1.【医】血管瘤 特殊用法sclerosing hemangioma1.硬化型血管瘤strawberry hemangioma1.草莓样血管瘤 随便看 氨水撒洒机 ammonia water distributor; 氨水施肥机 liquid gas applicator; 氨水注施机 aqua ammonia applicator 氨纶 氨细菌 氨草 氨草...
hemangioma英音: [hi:mændʒi'əumə] 美音: [hi:mændʒi'əumə] 名词[医]血管瘤英英释义 benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks 访问沪江小D查看hemangioma的更多详细解释> 词形变化复数: hemangiomas...
血管瘤(hemangioma) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确答案:血管瘤是一种分化较成熟的血管构成的血管畸形或良性肿瘤,国际脉管病研究学会将传统的良性脉管病变分为血管瘤和脉管畸形两大类。血管瘤好发于面颈部皮肤、唇、舌、颊、龈和腭等处。深部肌及颌骨内者较少见。多发于婴儿和儿童。根据血管瘤的临床表现、血管...
hemangioma noun hem·an·gi·o·ma variants or chiefly British haemangioma ˌhē-ˌman-jē-ˈō-mə plural hemangiomas also hemangiomata -mət-ə : a usually benign tumor made up of blood vessels that typically occurs as a purplish or reddish slightly elevated ...
hemangioma Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to hemangioma:strawberry hemangioma,capillary hemangioma he·man·gi·o·ma (hĭ-măn′jē-ō′mə) n.pl.he·man·gi·o·masalsohe·man·gi·o·ma·ta(-mə-tə) Abenignskinlesionconsistingofdense,usuallyelevatedmassesofdilatedblood...
Apart from painful burns, cancers like squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, hemangioma or hemangiosarcoma can be caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation. Patty Khuly, Miami Herald, 30 Jan. 2024 Bucklew suffers from a rare blood vessel disorder called cavernous hemangioma. Holly Yan, ...