俄亥俄州新奥尔巴尼2011年9月6日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: CVGI)(以下简称 CVG 或该公司)今天宣布,该公司已经与 Hema Engineering Industries Limited (以下简称 Hema)组建了一家合资企业,面向印度商用车市场生产座椅和座椅组件,并向 CVG 的其它全球运营部门供应座椅和组件。CVG ...
Inc. (Nasdaq: CVGI) announced today that it has entered into a joint venture (the "Joint Venture") with Hema Engineering Industries Limited ("Hema") for the production of seats and seating components for the India commercial vehicle market and for the supply of seats and components to other ...