With a passion for taking the unknown path, Hema Maps produces a range of maps, atlases, guides, navigation apps & GPS devices to empower travellers. Hema updates its map data using our Map Patrol field work team to help guide off-road 4WD, camping, cara
HEMA Bookshelf is a publisher of HEMA books. Our catalog includes original facsimiles which are funded by pre-orders as well as translations and scholarly analysis of subjects related to historical martial arts (available on major bookselling sites).
The free library ofHistorical European Martial Artsbooks and manuscripts Without books no one can be a good teacher nor even a good student of this art. ~ MasterFiore Furlano de’i Liberi, ca. 1405 Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Patri Pugliese ...
Rather than trying to copy techniques from two-dimensional, static books, we found our practice in the fundamentals of movement, distance, timing, leverage, and geometry, and then use this living knowledge to bring the techniques and theories found in the historical sources to life. These ...
The Scholar Jacket comes with a six-month warranty for critical failures under normal usage. This garment is not returnable or exchangeable once worn. Single Color Scholar Jacket Order Inquiry Form Is the jacket you want out of stock? Use the form below to get on the waiting list for your ...
Books for Instructors contains further reading material that addresses everything but the source material, required for running a successful club and good classes. You will find texts on structuring classes, coaching students and further reading on the possible context of the time. Under Insightful Bl...
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3)爱好He/She likes playing pingi-pong/…或He/She often read books/…on the weekend. (3)结尾:评价人物或抒发对人物的情感I like him/her very much. 2、范文:(1)课本P9 Read and write (2)My Chinese teacher I have a new Chinese teacher. Sheis Ms. Chen. She is tall and thin.She has...
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Music, Movies, and Books Steve Ray Voughan, Janis Joplin, B. B. King, Beatles, Cerari, Divididos, El Kanka, Muerdo, Billie Holiday. La 9na Revelación, Cuando los Chanchos Vuelen, Amelí, Orígenes, El Perro One Amazing Thing I’ve Done Cada dia un paisaje nuevo! Teach, Learn, Sha...