hem and haw的意思是“哼哼哈哈”、“吞吞吐吐”或“含糊其辞”。这个短语常用于描述某人在表达意见或回答问题时表现出的含糊、不直接或拖延的态度。以下是对该短语的详细解释: 一、字面含义 “hem”和“haw”都是模拟声音的词,它们组合在一起,形象地描绘了人们在犹豫不...
单词起源:这个短语可能起源于口语表达,其中“hem”和“haw”都是表示犹豫、不确定的口头语。随着时间的推移,这两个词组合在一起,形成了“hem and haw”这个短语,用于描述某人在做决定时表现出的犹豫不决的态度。 单词详细讲解:“hem and haw”是一个常用的动词短语,它形象地描绘了某人在面临选择或做决定时表现...
英语中“犹豫不决”对应的表达可以用“hem and haw”,在这儿hem和haw这两个词都是模拟人们在开口说话前清理嗓子和鼻腔的声音。我们时而会这样做,尤其当自己确定不了该说什么才恰当的时候,更会如此。久而久之,人们就用hem and haw来描述犹豫不决或者踌躇不前了。hem and haw也可以表示支吾其词、拖延犹豫,或者...
hem and haw 英[hem ænd hɔ:] 美[hɛm ənd hɔ] 释义 v. 哼哼哈哈;吞吞吐吐;吞吐;哼儿哈儿 实用场景例句 全部 You are offered a posting in London? Don'them and haw. 如果你在伦敦找到了工作,那就不要再犹豫了,赶快接受它....
The meaning of HEM AND HAW is to stop often and change what one is saying during speech because one is not sure of what to say or because one is trying to avoid saying something. How to use hem and haw in a sentence.
utter hems' and haws'; indicated hesitation 相似短语 hem and haw结结巴巴地说,吞吞吐吐地说,支支吾吾地说;犹豫,踌躇 hem inv. 包围 hem round包围 hem joint卷边接缝,卷边接缝,钩接 pear hawphr. 酪梨 haw apple山楂果 haw slices山楂片 hem shoe闸瓦 ...
英英释义 utter hems' and haws'; indicated hesitation 访问沪江小D查看hem and haw的更多详细解释>相关短语 geosyncline (地向斜) 地槽 global tectonics (大地) 全球构造(学) cutting at ground level (傍地斩) 低斩 thiethylperazine dimaleate(止吐药) 马来酸硫乙哌丙嗪 prochlorperazine maleate(安定止吐药...
hem and haw(直译为犹豫;踌躇;吞吞吐吐地说;支吾其词) 【成语来源】 The 'You' is a kind of wild animal which is by nature extremely suspicious. “犹”是一种野兽,它天生性情非常多疑。 Whenever it hears a sound, it immediately becomes afraid, suspecting that there is a hunter nearby who is...
释义 hem and haw1. pause or hesitate while speaking often with little throat noises 哼哼哈哈的不置可否;哼哈声* He was a poor lecturer because he hemmed and hawed too much. 他不是个好的演讲者,因为他哼哼哈哈,停顿太多。2. avoid giving a direct and clear answer 避免作正面回答* He hems an...
He hesitated and told me he was brought up in a shabby and dirty town. 他吞吞吐吐地告诉我,他是在一个破旧肮脏的小镇上长大的。 权威例句 HEM AND HAW Taking drop-off service a bit further: don't hem and haw when it comes to repair and alterations work.(Fabricare Services) ...