I am experiencing difficulties connecting my Heltec LoRa ESP32 V2 module to The Things Network (TTN) server using the OTAA example code provided by the TTN_esp32 library. I have encountered errors with both the latest and previous versions of the library and ESP32 board manager. Setup Details...
Sleek Design:The case's stylish design complements the Heltec module, adding a professional touch to your IoT setup. The Lorax Online|Iot Case Study|Compatibility with Heltec Wifi Lora 32 V3:Designed specifically for the Heltec Wifi Lora 32 V3, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance.Cust...
making it easy to program and integrate with existing projects. The inclusion of an ESP32 + LoRaWAN protocol for Arduino library allows for seamless communication with LoRa gateways, enhancing the board's versatility. Whether you're working on a smart home setup, wireless meter reading, or indus...
void heltec_setup() float heltec_temperature() float heltec_vbat() void heltec_ve(bool state) bool heltec_wakeup_was_button() bool heltec_wakeup_was_timer() button display radio Heltec ESP32 LoRa v3 / HTIT-WB32LA / "the regular board" Heltec Wireless Stick v3 / HTIT-WS_v3 / "the ...
一、设备与资料 HT-M00L单通道网关,在ESP32 + SX1278 LoRa节点芯片的硬件基础上增加了软件LoRa解调器...
LORAWAN_Net_Reservation – 这是LoRaWAN协议之外的功能,仅在OTAA模式下有效。如果启用此选项,则...
Element Table 动态生成列并且不同的列显示不同的样式
void setup() { dht.setup(27, DHTesp::DHT11); currentTemp = dht.getTemperature(); currentHumidity = dht.getHumidity(); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); Heltec.begin(true /*DisplayEnable Enable*/, false /*LoRa Enable*/, false /*Serial Enab...
[WifiTask] WiFi IP address: [INFO][BeaconTask] [00:00:08] K6CQU-15>APLG01:=4046.66NL11912.27W&LoRa iGate 913.5MHz [INFO][NTPTask] Current time: 17:12:54 [INFO][AprsIsTask] connecting to APRS-IS server: oregon.aprs2.net on port: 14580, with filter: '' [INFO][Aprs...