If you’re an athlete, you know that recovering quickly after a workout is essential to your success. Not only do you need to make sure your muscles are healing properly, but you also need to replenish the energy you burned off during your last session. That’s precisely why getting the...
An editorial is presented on the Breast cancer screening, which helping patients navigate recommendations. The article discusses that decreasing the number of screening mammograms a woman receives does not reduce the number of cancers detected, but rather only delays their diagnosis; and it is ...
At the first open house, held last Saturday at Fire Station 3 on Ramey Avenue, breast cancer screenings showed positive results in four women. Volunteers and workers knew the service was needed and said they just had to get the word out. "We had some firemen in the street saying, 'this...
For example, a patient navigator who works with breast cancer patients may focus more on screenings and treatment. A navigator for patients with terminal cancers such as mesothelioma may deal more with palliative care coordination and emotional support. The goals of patient navigation remain the ...
Introduction: Mammographic screening reduces breast cancer mortality, although the upper age at which risks outweigh benefits is unclear. Self-referral rates for mammography over 70 years are low and based on poor understanding of risks and benefits. Uptake may be facilitated by improved patient ...
Breast cancer screening for women in their 40s: moving from controversy about data to helping individual women. Ann Intern Med. 2007; 146(7): 529- 531.Elmore JG, Choe JH. Breast cancer screening for women in their 40s: moving from controversy about data to helping women. Ann Intern Med....