If your child struggles with anxiety, there are several things that you may notice, including: Chronic and excessive worry Clinging, crying, and tantrums when they separate from their parents (and are not toddlers or babies) Chronic complaints about stomach aches or other somatic complaints without...
In this episode: A mom writes that her 3-year-old has become whiny, demanding and clingy since her separation from the boy’s father and their move to a new home. At this point, she says, “I do not enjoy being with him at all” and she wonders if Janet has advice for how to ...
We have to adapt to the change and live with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Here are some parenting tips on how you can adapt to the changes with your child. Read on more.
This can raise the odds of a more successful, peaceful playdate, though with toddlers there’s never a guarantee. Trust The power in letting kids do it Once we’ve set our basic limits, I believe in letting children do the rest. In other words, once I’ve prevented my c...
Infants, toddlers, and very young children who have no understanding of death have no need, beyond the convenience of their parents, for attending funeral services. Children of this age are welcome at visitations and funeral services, and their presence helps to remind us of new beginnings. An...
dealtodowithlevelsofstress. HelpingChildren CopeWithStress Somestressisnormal.Dailyandlife challengescanbeexpected.Forexample, mostchildrenwillattendschoolandwill havetogothroughmanytransitions.Most adolescentswillhavetograpplewiththeir senseofidentitytodeterminewherethey “fit.”Beingafraidofthedarkandfeeling peer...
workload we all deal with, find joy amidst the chaos of motherhood. If you've ever wondered "why is my kid..." then one of us has probably been there, and we're here to tell you what we've learned along the way. We unpack the behaviors and developmental stages of toddlers, ...
We unpack the behaviors and developmental stages of toddlers, tweens, and teenagers, providing insights into their actions and equipping you with effective parenting strategies. We offer our best parenting tips and skills we've learned. We debate the techniques and studies that are everywhere for ...
Helping others has been shown to promote happiness in a wide variety of different groups,including toddlersunder the age of two, andrecent ex-offenders. Some research has examined how people in both poor andrich countriesgain emotional benefitsfrom helping others with their financial resources. But ...
Helping others has been shown to promote happiness in a wide variety of different groups,including toddlersunder the age of two, andrecent ex-offenders. Some research has examined how people in both poor andrich countriesgain emotional benefitsfrom helping others with their financial resources. ...