Brown s website focuses on knowledge transfer and getting the information out to people who need it. Research is clear; the most important ways to help someone with dementia sleep better are to: Make sure the bedroom is as dark as possible no TV, hallway light, or street lights coming thr...
Even worse, people who sleep fewer than four hours, or more than eight hours, a day are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease. Your sleeping habits can also have an impact on your performance at work. Not getting enough sleep can...
Training by respected dementia care professionals. ONLINE COURSES Education that's personable, easy to understand, and will empower you. ALZHEIMER’S INTRODUCTION Start here to improve your basic understanding of the disease. Publications & Tools ...
If you think of someone with a mental health disorder, you would probably get a picture of an individual that has one of these traits: Heartbroken Suicidal Depressed Jittery Unhinged Lacking Sleep Angry While it may not always show on the outside, what goes on in their minds is like a la...
Every 65 seconds, someone in the United States develops dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Medical advances have helped doctors diagnose dementia much earlier, but families are often faced with the “now what?” effect.”
“Get well soon” cards don’t make sense when someone might not. Sympathy cards can make people feel like you think they’re already dead. A 'fuck cancer' card is a nice sentiment, but when I had cancer, it never really made me feel better. And I never personally connected with ...